School Research Excellence Awards
School Research Excellence Awards
The School of Humanities offers a series of School Research Excellence Awards. These awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of researchers within the School.
The Awards
Research Excellence Award. An award provided to an academic with evidence of sustained and exceptional research performance (appropriate to stage of career and relative to opportunity) which enhances the research reputation of the University.
• Demonstrated scholarly achievements in the form of peer-reviewed publications, NTROs, grants, or disciplinary honours or recognition.
• Clear evidence of impact on the research topic and/or research problem.
Early Career Research Excellence Award. An award provided to an academic with evidence of exceptional research achievements within first 5 years post-PhD (or equivalent) which enhances the research reputation of the University.
• Nominees must be in the first 5 years post-PhD (or equivalent) at the time of application.
• Scholarly impact may be evidenced via the quality of the outlet – whether a journal, book or conference – or demonstrated using the ABLE NTRO criteria.
• Contributions to the University's research culture and reputation.
Research Engagement Award. An award provided to an individual or team, who have: 1) enhanced strategic partnerships with key industry sectors; or 2) established strategically aligned new partnerships that deliver strong benefits for the University; or 3) promoted research to the broader community (through, for example, media exposure, school visits, public speaking events, or parliamentary submissions).
• Evidence that the nominee has enhanced strategic partnerships with key industry sectors.
• Established strategically aligned new partnerships benefiting the University.
• Promoted research to the broader community through media, school visits, public speaking, or parliamentary submissions.
Research Impact Award. An award provided to an individual or team, who have demonstrated either: 1) innovative and/or entrepreneurial approaches taken to translate research into economic or societal benefits; 2) innovative theoretical and/or methodological approaches to advance knowledge that addresses social problems.
• Innovative/entrepreneurial approaches translating research into economic/societal benefits.
• Advanced knowledge addressing social problems through innovative theoretical or methodological approaches.
HDR Supervisor Award
Effective mentorship and guidance to HDR students.
• Positive feedback from current or past HDR candidates.
• Track record of supervisees’ academic achievements and successful research outputs.
Interdisciplinary Team Award
An award provided to a team of two or more researchers for a joint research initiative taking an interdisciplinary approach. This award recognises team-based approaches integrating diverse methodologies, methods and approaches to produce impactful research.
• Collaboration among team members from more than one discipline area.
• Evidence of a joint research initiative that is innovative and interdisciplinary.
• Novelty of methodological integration.
The School Research Committee in collaboration with the School Learning and Teaching Committee oversees the award process.
Further enquiries:
Associate Head of Research, School of Humanities