Spanish Studies

Spanish Studies at the University of Adelaide: We study the world from a different perspective. 


Spanish is the mother tongue of 516 million people, including 50 million in the USA. About 100 million people all over the world also speak it as a second language.

Countries in which Spanish is spoken as a mother tongue include Spain, 20 countries in Latin America, the USA, and Equatorial Guinea. The language is also widely spoken in Canada, Belize, Andorra and Gibraltar. The Spanish Language is one of the official languages of the United Nations and many other international organisations.

Learning the Spanish language can expand your listening, reading, speaking, writing and communication skills allowing you to travel and work confidently overseas. It also introduces you to various aspects of societies and cultures that speak Spanish as a first language. As well, our program also builds up your intercultural skills so necessary in the globalised world of today.

Study Overseas

Practice your newly developed language skills and immerse yourself in a new culture with an international exchange! As a University of Adelaide student you will have access to over 100 overseas exchange programs around the world. You can study overseas at our partner institutes including the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the University of Chile for one or two semesters which counts as a credit towards your degree.

Language programs include AIM overseas intensive Spanish and Culture in Granada, Spain, CIS Australia Barcelona, Spain and CIS Australia in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Career path

  • Teaching
  • International law
  • Diplomacy
  • Translation
  • Interpreter
  • Corporate executive
  • Tourism
  • Research

  • Our teaching

    Our program specialises in teaching Spanish to pure beginners. We offer language courses at first, second and third-year level. We also offer culture courses at second, and third-year level, and translation course at third-year level.

    We offer an Honours Program that students may complete over one academic year (on a full-time basis) or two years (on a part-time basis).

    We offer supervision at the PhD level on various topics related to Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures.

    Study Spanish  Higher degrees by research  Honours


  • Our people

    Academic Staff



    Associate Professor Benjamin McCann Head of Department of European Languages and Linguistics
    Dr Paula Plastic Lecturer in Spanish Studies
    Name Role

    Marta Montero Lomas


  • Our research

    The Department of Spanish Studies is active in research in the fields of literature and culture. Our academics participate in a number of different research topics.

    The following are some of the research topics active in the Department:

    • Ecological literature in Latin America
    • Indigenism in Latin America
    • The marvellous real
    • Popol Vuh and Mayan culture
    • Chilean poetry
    • Cultural translation
    • The Latin American novel of dictatorship

    Higher Degrees by research

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