Hostel Stories is a research project aimed at finding out more about migrant hostels, reception centres and camps in South Australia.
This project seeks to remedy the gaps in our historical record about the hostels by bringing together the memories of former residents with extensive archival research to compile the most comprehensive information to date on temporary migrant accommodation in South Australia.
Project team and advisory board
The project team and advisory board consist of a cross institutional group of researchers and contributors.
Project team and advisory board
Community partners
Community partners play a vital role in the hostel stories research project.
Since the initiation of the hostel stories research project, a number of articles and internship reports have appeared.
Find your family
Are you looking for more specific information about family or friends who migrated to Australia and stayed in hostels?
The Hostel Stories project is supported by a Linkage Grant from the Australian Research Council (LP120100553) to the University of Adelaide in partnership with a range of community partners.