2024 Joint Workshops in Macroeconomics

We invite paper submissions to the Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models (EDMM) Workshop and the Continuing Education in Macroeconometrics (CEM) Workshop, which will be held in coordination at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Adelaide on the 21st and 22nd of November, 2024.

The first workshop will bring together leading experts in the modeling of expectations in dynamic models with applications including, but not restricted to: macroeconomics, financial economics, labor markets, IO, theory.

With the second workshop bringing together early-career researchers from universities, central banks, and other policy institutions to tool up on some recent developments in macroeconometric research methods and obtain feedback on their own research-in-progress.

To submit your paper, register or find out more, visit the 2024 Joint Workshops in Macroeconomics page.

Tagged in school of economics and public policy, economics, Events