Water sharing in the Murray-Darling Basin: An online discussion with Mick Keetly

Reduced water availability in the Murray–Darling Basin affects many stakeholders: producers of food and fibre, irrigators, and people involved in recreation and tourism. Communities and livelihoods are at stake, and environmental issues are significant.

This Stretton Institute webinar with guest presenter Mick Keelty, Interim Inspector-General of the Murray-Darling Basin, will explore the key drivers and issues around water sharing in the Murray-Darling Basin from a multi-stakeholder perspective.

Mr Keelty will discuss his recent report to the Commonwealth Minister for Water Resources which focussed on the impact of changing distributions of inflows to the southern Basin on state shares under the Murray–Darling Basin Agreement; and impacts on state water shares. How public policy affects different stakeholders and how stakeholder views are brought into the policy process will also be discussed in this webinar.

Tagged in faculty of arts, Stretton Institute