Professor Andrew Beer

With a background in geography, Andrew Beer has a long history of research on topics such as the operation and functioning of Australia’s housing markets (including the provision of housing for persons with a disability), the drivers of regional growth, structural change within the economy, governance, place leadership, and Australia’s ageing population.
Dinmore, H. Beer, A. Irving, J. and Sotarauta, M. (2023) Agency and the Structural Determinants of Regional Growth: Towards a Retheorisation, Regional Studies, 1-12.
Beer, A. Sotarauta, M. and Bailey, D. (2023) Leading change in communities experiencing economic transition: place leadership, expectations, and industry closure, Journal of Change Management, 23:1, 32-52.
Daniel, L. Baker, E. Beer, A. and Bentley, R. (2023) Australian rental housing standards: institutional shifts to reprioritize the housing–health nexus, Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10:1, 461-470.