
Our researchers share their findings across a variety of platforms - from traditional academic journals to online opinion pieces and public seminars. 

Information on publications and other research outputs from researchers within the Centre can be found below, including links to published articles, opinion pieces, and seminar recordings. 

  • 2023


    1. Baker, E., Barlow, C. F., Daniel, L., Morey, C., Bentley, R., & Taylor, M.   P. (2023). Mental health impacts of environmental exposures: a scoping review of evaluative instruments. Science of the Total Environment, 912 (2024)

    2. Baker, E., Morey, C., Daniel, L., Beer, A., Bentley, R., Stone, W., ... &  London, K. (2023). An Australian housing conditions data infrastructure. Scientific data, 10(1), 817.

    3. Barlow, C. F., Daniel, L., Bentley, R., & Baker, E. (2023). Cold housing environments: defining the problem for an appropriate policy response. Journal of Public Health Policy, 44(3), 370-385.

    4. Barlow, C. F., Daniel, L., & Baker, E. (2023). Cold homes in Australia: Questioning our assumptions about prevalence. Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103124.

    5. Bentley, E., Daniel, L., Li, W., Baker, E. and Li, A. (2023) The effect of energy poverty on mental health, cardiovascular disease and respiratory health: a longitudinal analysis, The Lancet Regional Health ,

    6. Bentley, R., Baker, E., Ronald, R., Reeves, A., Smith, S. J., Simons, K., & Mason, K. (2022). Housing affordability and mental health: an analysis of generational  change. Housing Studies, 37(10), 1842- 1857.

    7. Bentley, R., Baker, E., Ronald, R, Reeves, A, Smith, S, Mason, K. 2022. Housing Affordability and Mental Health: An Analysis of Generational Change, Housing Studies

    8. Bentley, R., & Baker, E. (2022). Placing a housing lens on neighbourhood disadvantage, socioeconomic position and mortality. The Lancet Public Health, 7(5), e396-e397.

    9. Charmaine J. Thredgold, Lyrian Daniel, Emma Baker, Reducing everyday consumption: Mapping the landscape of grassroots social movements and activist households in Australia, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 91 2022,

    10. Clair, A., Baker, E., & Kumari, M. (2024). Are housing circumstances associated with faster epigenetic ageing?. J Epidemiol Community Health, 78(1), 40-46.

    11. Clair, A., & Baker, E. (2022). Cold homes and mental health harm: Evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115461.

    12. Daniel, L., Baker, E., Beer, A., & Bentley, R. (2023). Australian rental housing standards: institutional shifts to reprioritize the housing– health nexus. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 461-470.

    13. James, L, Daniel, L, Bentley, R Baker, E (2023) Housing niches: new directions for housing and urban policy, International Journal of Housing Policy, DOI:10.1080/19491247.2023.2254466

    14. Mansour, A., Bentley, R., Baker, E., Li, A., Martino, E., Clair, ADaniel, L., Mishra, S.R., Howard, N.J., Phibbs, P. and Jacobs, D.E., 2022. Housing and health: an updated glossary. J Epidemiol Community Health.

    15. Malvaso, C., Montgomerie, A., Pilkington, R. M., Baker, E., & Lynch, J. W. (2022). Examining the intersection of child protection and public housing: development, health and justice outcomes using linked administrative data. BMJ Open, 12(6), e057284.

    16. Oswald, D., Moore, T., & Baker, E. (2022). Exploring the well-being of renters during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-21.

    17. Pang, G., Pham, N. T. A., Baker, E., Bentley, R., & van den Hengel, A. (2022). Deep Depression Prediction on Longitudinal Data via Joint Anomaly Ranking and Classification. In Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 236-248). Springer, Cham.

    18. Sansom, G, Barlow, C, Daniel, L, Baker, E. (in press) Social housing temperature conditions and tenant priorities, Australian Journal of Social Issues (accepted 12/03/23)

    19. Singh, A., Mizdrak, A., Daniel, L., Blakely, T., Baker, E., Fleitas Alfonzo, L., & Bentley, R. (2022). Estimating cardiovascular health gains from eradicating indoor cold in Australia. Environmental Health, 21(1)

    20. ViforJ, R. O., Singh, R., Baker, E., Bentley, R., & Hewton, J. (2022). Precarious housing and wellbeing: a multi-dimensional investigation, AHURI Peer Reviewed Monograph.


  • 2022

    1. Arundel, R, Li, A, Baker, E, Bentley, R. (2022). Housing unaffordability and mental health: Dynamics across age and tenure, International Journal of Housing Policy 
    2. Baker, E., Daniel, L., Beer, A., Bentley, R., Rowley, S., Baddeley, M., London, K., Stone, W., Nygaard, C., Hulse, K., Lockwood, A. (2022). An Australian rental housing conditions research infrastructure. Nature Scientific Data. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01136-5.
    3. Oswald, D., Moore, T., and Baker, E. (2022). Exploring the well-being of renters during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-21. doi:10.1080/19491247.2022.2037177.
    4. Baum, S., Baker, E., Davies, A., Stone, J., & Taylor, E. (2022). Pandemic Cities: The COVID-19 Crisis and Australian Urban Regions. Springer Nature Books, Singapore.
    5. Pang, G., Pham, N. T. A., Baker, E., Bentley, R., & van den Hengel, A. (2022). Deep Depression Prediction on Longitudinal Data via Joint Anomaly Ranking and Classification. In Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 236-248). Springer, Cham. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2012.02950
    6. Li, A., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2022). Understanding the mental health effects of instability in the private rental sector: A longitudinal analysis of a national cohort. Social Science & Medicine, 296. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114778
    7. Bentley, R., & Baker, E. (2022). Placing a housing lens on neighbourhood disadvantage, socioeconomic position and mortality. The Lancet Public Health, 7(5), e396-e397. doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00086-X
    8. Malvaso, C., Montgomerie, A., Pilkington, R. M., Baker, E., & Lynch, J. W. (2022). Examining the intersection of child protection and public housing: development, health and justice outcomes using linked administrative data. BMJ Open, 12(6). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057284
    9. Thredgold, C. J., Daniel, L., & Baker, E. (2022). Reducing everyday consumption: Mapping the landscape of grassroots social movements and activist households in Australia. Energy Research & Social Science91. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2022.102741
    10. James, L., Daniel, L., Bentley, R., & Baker, E. (2022) Housing inequality: a systematic scoping review, Housing Studies. doi:10.1080/02673037.2022.2119211
    11. Bentley, R., Baker, E., Ronald, R., Reeves, A., Smith, S. J., Simons, K., & Mason, K. (2022). Housing affordability and mental health: an analysis of generational change. Housing Studies, 1-16. doi:10.1080/02673037.2022.2108380
    12. Arundel, R., Li, A., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2022). Housing unaffordability and mental health: dynamics across age and tenure. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-31. doi:10.1080/19491247.2022.2106541
    13. Singh, A., Mizdrak, A., Daniel, L., Blakely, T., Baker, E., Fleitas Alfonzo, L., & Bentley, R. (2022). Estimating cardiovascular health gains from eradicating indoor cold in Australia. Environmental Health, 21(1), 1-12. doi:10.1186/s12940-022-00865-9
    14. Mansour, A., Bentley, R., Baker, E., Li, A., Martino, E., Clair, A., Daniel, L., Mishra, S. R., Howard, N. J., Phibbs, P., Jacobs, D. E., Beer, A., Blakely, T., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2022). Housing and health: an updated glossary. Journal of epidemiology and community health76(9), 833–838. doi:10.1136/jech-2022-219085
  • 2021

    1. Bentley, R., Baker, E., Martino, E., Li, Y., & Mason, K. (2021). Alcohol and tobacco consumption: What is the role of economic security?. Addiction, 10 pages. doi:10.1111/add.15400
    2. Baker, E., Pham, A., Leishman, C., Daniel, L., & Bentley, R. (2021). Urban social housing pathways: a linked administrative data analysis. Urban Policy and Research, 39(1), 1-15. doi:10.1080/08111146.2020.1838894
    3. Arakawa Martins, B., Barrie, H., Visvanathan, R., Daniel, L., Arakawa Martins, L., Ranasinghe, D., . . . Soebarto, V. (2021). A multidisciplinary exploratory approach for investigating the experience of older adults attending hospital services. Health Environments Research and Design Journal, 14(1), 141-163. doi:10.1177/1937586720920858
    4. Daniel, L., Baker, E., Beer, A., & Pham, N. T. A. (2021). Cold housing: evidence, risk and vulnerability. Housing Studies, 36(1), 110-130. doi:10.1080/02673037.2019.1686130
    5. Baker, E., Pham, A., Leishman, C., Daniel, L., & Bentley, R. (2021). Urban social housing pathways: a linked administrative data analysis. Urban Policy and Research, 39(1), 1-15. doi:10.1080/08111146.2020.1838894
    6. Bentley, R., Baker, E., Martino, E., Li, Y., & Mason, K. (2021). Alcohol and tobacco consumption: What is the role of economic security?. Addiction, 116(7), 1882-1891. doi:10.1111/add.15400
    7. Li, A., Baker, E., Bentley, R. (2021). 1313 Is private rental instability bad for mental health?. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(Supplement_1). doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114778
  • 2020

    1. Baker, E., Pham, N., Daniel, L., & Bentley, R. (2020). New evidence on mental health and housing affordability in cities: A quantile regression approach. Cities, 96. DOI:10.1016/j.cities.2019.102455
    2. Baker, E., Lester, L., Mason, K. et al. Mental health and prolonged exposure to unaffordable housing: a longitudinal analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s00127-020-01849-1
    3. Beer, A., Daniel, L., Baker, E., & Lester, L. (2020). The shifting risk of homelessness among persons with a disability: Insights from a national policy intervention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 1-10. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17186512
    4. Bentley, R., & Baker, E. (2020). Housing at the frontline of COVID-19 challenge: A commentary on ‘Rising home values and Covid-19 case rates in Massachusetts’. Social Science and Medicine, 265, 113534. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113534
    5. Schweiker, M., et al (2020) Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe? Energy & Buildings 211: 109761, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109761
    6. Singh, A., Aitken, Z., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2020). Do financial hardship and social support mediate the effect of unaffordable housing on mental health?. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55(6), 705-713. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-019-01773-z
    7. Williamson, T., & Daniel, L. (2020). A new adaptive thermal comfort model for homes in temperate climates of Australia. Energy and Buildings, 210. 109728. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109728
  • 2019

    1. Aitken, Z., Baker, E., Badland, H., Mason, K., Bentley, R., Beer, A., & Kavanagh, A. (2019). Precariously placed: housing affordability, quality and satisfaction of Australians with disabilities. Disability and Society, 34(1), 121-142. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2018.1521333
    2. Baker, E., Lester, L., Beer, A., & Bentley, R. (2019). An Australian geography of unhealthy housing. Geographical Research, 57(1), 40-51. DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12326
    3. Baker, E., Pham, N. T. A., Daniel, L. R., & Bentley, R. (2019). How does household residential instability influence child health outcomes? A quantile analysis. The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4189. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16214189
    4. Beer, A., Baker, E., Lester, L., & Daniel, L. R. (2019). The Relative Risk of Homelessness among Persons with a Disability: New Methods and Policy Insights. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4304. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16224304
    5. Bentley, R., Baker, E., & Aitken, Z. (2019). The ‘double precarity’ of employment insecurity and unaffordable housing and its impact on mental health. Social Science and Medicine, 225, 9-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.02.008
    6. Costello, G., Leishman, C., Rowley, S., Watkins, C. (2019) Drivers of spatial change in urban housing submarkets. Geographical Journal. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12303
    7. Daniel, L. R., Baker, E., Beer, A., & Pham, N. T. (2019). Cold housing: evidence, risk and vulnerability. Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1686130
    8. Daniel, L., Baker, E., & Williamson, T. (2019). Cold housing in mild-climate countries: a study of indoor environmental quality and comfort preferences in homes, Adelaide, Australia. Building and Environment, 151, 207-218. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.01.037
    9. Gan, X., Zuo, J., Baker, E., Chang, R., & Wen, T. (2019). Exploring the determinants of residential satisfaction in public rental housing in China: a case study of Chongqing. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 34(3), 869-895. DOI: 10.1007/s10901-019-09691-x
    10. Kellett, J., & Nunnington, N. (2019). Infrastructure for new Australian housing: Who pays and how?. Cities, 92, 10-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.03.007
    11. Kellett, J., Barreto, R., Hengel, A., & Vogiatzis, N. (2019). How Might Autonomous Vehicles Impact the City? The Case of Commuting to Central Adelaide. Urban Policy and Research. 442-457. DOI: 10.1080/08111146.2019.1674646
    12. Shi, Y., Ge, X., Yuan, X., Wang, Q., Kellett, J., Li, F., & Ba, K. (2019). An integrated indicator system and evaluation model for regional sustainable development. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(7). DOI: 10.3390/su11072183
    13. Singh, A., Aitken, Z., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2019). Do financial hardship and social support mediate the effect of unaffordable housing on mental health?. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-019-01773-z
    14. Singh, A., Daniel, L., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2019). Housing disadvantage and poor mental health: a systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 57(2), 262-272. DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2019.03.018
    15. Schweiker, M., et al. (2019). The Scales Project, a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales. Scientific Data, 6(1), 10 pages. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0272-6
    16. Tang, Y., Shi, Y., Li, Y., Yuan, X., Mu, R., Wang, Q., . . . Kellett, J. (2019). Environmental and economic impact assessment of the alumina–carbon refractory production in China. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 21, 1723–1737. DOI: 10.1007/s10098-019-01741-w
  • 2023


    1. Horne, R., Dorignon, L., Lawson, J., Easthope, H., Duhr, S., Moore, T., Baker, E., Dalton, T., Pawson, H., Fairbrother, P. and Xiong, Z. 2023. Informing a strategy for circular economy housing in Australia.

    2. Baker, E., Moore, T., Daniel, L., Caines, R., Padilla, H. and Lester, L. (2023) Sustainable social housing retrofit? Circular economy and tenant trade-offs, AHURI Final Report No. 397, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi: 10.18408/ahuri3128301.

    3. Barrie, H., Cebulla, A., Lange, J., Faulkner, D. and Sharam, A. (2023) Mapping Australia’s older, low-income renters, AHURI Final Report No.  405, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi: 10.18408/ahuri3225101.

  • 2022

    1. Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., Dockery, M., Baker, E. and Pham, A. (2022) ‘What works’ to sustain Indigenous tenancies in Australia, AHURI Final Report 374. doi:10.18408/ahuri3122901.
    2. Leishman, C., Aminpour, F., Baker, E., Beer, A., Crowe, A., Goodall, Z., Horton, E., Jacobs, K., Lester, L., Maclennan, D. and Martin, C. (2022). Australia’s COVID-19 pandemic housing policy responses, AHURI Final Report 376. doi:10.18408/ahuri3227801
    3. ViforJ, R. O., Singh, R., Baker, E., Bentley, R., & Hewton, J. (2022). Precarious housing and wellbeing: a multi-dimensional investigation, AHURI Final Report 373. doi:10.18408/ahuri8123801
    4. Baker, E., Daniel, L., Beer, A., Rowley, S., Stone, W., Bentley, R, Caines, R. and Sansom, G., 2022. The impact of the pandemic on the Australian rental sector.
          AHURI Peer Reviewed Monograph.
    5. Leishman, C., Aminpour, F., Baker, E., Beer, A., Crowe, A., Goodall, Z., Horton, E., Jacobs, K., Lester, L., Maclennan, D. and Martin, C. 2022.           
      Australia’s COVID-19 pandemic housing policy responses, AHURI Peer Reviewed Monograph.
  • 2021

  • 2020

    1. Baker, E., Bentley, R., Beer, A., & Daniel, L. (2020). Renting in the time of COVID-19: Understanding the impacts. AHURI Final Report, 340. DOI: 10.18408/ahuri3125401
    2. Baker, E., & Daniel, L. (Eds.) (2020). Rental Insights: A COVID-19 Collection, AHURI , Melbourne, 4 December, DOI: 10.18408/ahuri3125402.
    3. Baker, E., Leishman, C., Bentley, R., Pham, N.T.A., and Daniel, L. (2020) Social Housing exit points, outcomes and future pathways, AHURI Final Report 326, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, DOI: 10.18408/ahuri-3119901
    4. Daniel, L., Moore, T., Baker, E., Beer, A., Willand, N., Horne, R., & Hamilton, C. (2020). Warm, cool and energy-affordable housing policy solutions for low-income renters. AHURI Final Report, (338). DOI: 10.18408/ahuri-3122801
    5. Oswald, D., Moore, T., & Baker, E. (2020). Post pandemic landlord-renter relationships in Australia, AHURI Final Report No. 344, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, 12 November, DOI: 10.18408/ahuri5325901
  • 2019

    1. Leishman, C., Baker, E. (2019) Audit of South Australia’s current housing assets and mapping of future demand, AHURI Research Paper, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne. Online Access.
    2. Baker, E. L., Kellett, J., & South Australian Planning Commission. (2019). People and Neighbourhoods Policy Discussion Paper. Online Access.
    3. Baker, E. L., Leishman, C., Kellett, J., & Daniel, L. (2019). People and Neighbourhoods - Background paper. Online Access.