Professor Richard Ronald

My research focuses on the role of housing in relation to social, economic and urban transformations in international contexts, especially cities in Asia Pacific and Europe. My work typically addresses the intersection of housing markets and policies with life-course transitions, demographic change and political economy. My current position includes being the Chair of Economic and Political Geography at the University of Amsterdam as well as an Adjunct Professor at the Australian Centre for Housing Research.
Ronald, R & Arundel R, 2022, Chapter: 'Why Families, Housing and Property Wealth?', in Families, Housing and Property Wealth in a Neoliberal World, Routledge. Why Families, Housing and Property Wealth? | 1 | Families, Housing and (
Ronald R, Schijf P & Donovan, K, 2023, The institutionalization of shared rental housing and commercial co-living, Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2023.2176830
Druta, O, Ronald, R & Heath, S, 2021, Urban singles and shared housing, Social & Cultural Geography, vol.22, no.9, pp. 1195-1203, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2021.1987507