Community & Industry Partnerships
We have developed a number of valuable partnerships that enable us to undertake our research and achieve mutually important goals.
Getting to the Meat of the Matter: Social and Economic Issues in Animal Welfare in Australia's Livestock Industry
ARC Linkage Project LP130100419 (with A/Prof Wendy Umberger)
Making Plants Better, Making Australia Better? A History of Genetic Modification Science, Policy, and Community Attitudes in Australia
Understanding women’s attitudes to genetically modified foods
- Former Australian Government Department of Innovation Industry Science and Research's National Enabling Technologies Strategy (now Department of Industry, Science and Resources)
- Former South Australian Government Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (now Department for Industry, Innovation and Science)
Understanding industry and consumer attitudes to the use of genetic modification in the wine industry
What Shall We Have for Tea? Toward a New Discourse of Food Ethics in Contemporary Australia