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Seminar - May 2016

Sustainability for Seals or Fishers?: Presenting an Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Seal Populations, South Australia

[Read more about Seminar - May 2016]

Seminar - April 2016

Differing Scales of Fat: Troubling What We Think We Know About Obesity

[Read more about Seminar - April 2016]

Seminar - March 2016

Why 'Big Sugar' Survives: The Strange Case of Indonesia Since the 1930s

[Read more about Seminar - March 2016]

Seminar - February 2016

Nutritional Primitivism and Superfoods: Between Commodification and Critique/Media, Nostalgia and the New Food Industries

[Read more about Seminar - February 2016]

Prof Rachel Ankeny talks about public attitudes to GM in agriculture on ABC Rural

In a recent article and radio interview with ABC Rural, Prof Rachel Ankeny explained that the public does not necessarily oppose the science and technology of genetic modification (GM), but is concerned with its use in agriculture.

[Read more about Prof Rachel Ankeny talks about public attitudes to GM in agriculture on ABC Rural]

Article by David Ellis

'Ethical' Shoppers Find Food Labelling Inadequate

[Read more about Article by David Ellis]

What do food labels teach people about food ethics?

A new publication from the Food Values Research Group examines the idea of ethical food labels as pedagogy (or a way of teaching).

[Read more about What do food labels teach people about food ethics?]

ARC Discovery grant success for Prof Rachel Ankeny

Prof Rachel Ankeny was successful in the most recent ARC Discovery Project grant round for her project “Organisms and Us: How Living Things Help Us To Understand Our World” with Prof Michael Dietrich from Arizona State University and A/Prof Sabina Leonelli from the University of Exeter.

[Read more about ARC Discovery grant success for Prof Rachel Ankeny]

ACOLA report on Australia's Agricultural Future

Food Values Research Group convener Professor Rachel Ankeny recently contributed to the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) report Australia's Agricultural Future.

[Read more about ACOLA report on Australia's Agricultural Future]

Presentation by Dr Heather Bray


Public Perceptions of Agriculture: What Influences Consumer Choice?

[Read more about Presentation by Dr Heather Bray]

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