Rain, hail and shine, Open Day at UoA sees future students find their future career

In the extreme weather elements on Sunday, the Faculty of Arts, along with the rest of the University of Adelaide, successfully held another exciting Open Day.
The day provided prospective students the opportunity to explore the Arts and our range of degrees and courses.
Student recruitment team leader Kate Rees said the day was a great success for the Faculty of Arts.
"Our degree talks were well attended, many at full capacity. We were excited to showcase our virtual reality (VR), Apple e-learning educator program, Chinese calligraphy demonstration, Shakespeare massive open online course (MOOC) and interactive photo booth, where prospective students were able to dress up for their career in the arts," Ms Rees said.
"Some of our guests were able to experience our popular Music and Media tours, which showcased our state-of-the-art learning facilities for music and media students. Students were also given the chance to attend our beautiful campus tours, including our historic Museum of Classical Archaeology."
Ms Rees said it was exciting to have so many visitors to our fabulous campus.
"We were excited to welcome thousands of prospective Arts students who were looking to tailor their education towards a rewarding career in music, social sciences, humanities and teaching.
If you have any specific Arts course questions following Open Day, please contact our team via email, or view the University of Adelaide's Open Day gallery.