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Hugh Martin Weir Prize 2023 applications are now open!
Is your research about Australia's involvement in war or the treatment of prisoners of war in any conflict, including the impact on those persons involved, their families, and their communities? Are you enrolled in an Honours thesis or postgraduate program or was your PhD awarded less than three years ago? Then this prize may be for you.
[Read more about Hugh Martin Weir Prize 2023 applications are now open!]
Federal Government misses chance to boost skilled labour

The amount that pensioners may earn before being hit by tax should be increased in order to boost the economy and help them to keep using their expertise, according to a report published by the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Federal Government misses chance to boost skilled labour]
Temporary Restrictions at Law Library
Due to construction work being carried out on the Napier building from Thursday 3 November to Wednesday 14 December (inclusive), access to the Northern side of the Sir John Salmond Law Library will be restricted.