Mapping culture and history workshop
- Date: Thu, 17, 9:00 am - Fri, 18 Nov 2022, 5:00 pm
- Location: University of Newcastle and online - registration required
- Cost: Various ticket prices, online only is free
- More information: Register
The Time-Layered Cultural Map of Australia (University of Newcastle) and the Australian Cultural Data Engine (University of Melbourne) invite researchers to a two day in person and online workshop "Mapping Culture and History".
The program includes a range of keynotes and workshops from humanities researchers, digital humanities specialists, and those that are creating tools, platforms and access to data, to hear about projects that using this as part of their research, and learn introductory approaches to mapping in the humanities.
Travel bursaries of up to $1000 available for Indigenous and early-mid career researchers (apply by 31 October). Registration is very affordable, and online participation is free.