News: ACHR
Welcoming Our Newest Member: Dr. Rowan Arundel, Adjunct Senior Fellow
Dr. Rowan Arundel joins us in 2024 as an Adjunct Senior Fellow within the School of Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide. Dr. Rowan Arundel is Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, based in the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development. His research focuses on dynamics of housing inequalities and interactions between housing, labour and welfare regime, as well as a broader interest in spatial analysis and macro and micro quantitative methods. He has published widely on both the Netherlands and on comparative housing research across European contexts. He is the recipient of an ongoing Veni fellowship for his project ‘WEALTHSCAPES: the spatial inequality of housing wealth accumulation’ looking at the role of both housing market spatial polarization and divided housing access in driving wealth inequalities.
[Read more about Welcoming Our Newest Member: Dr. Rowan Arundel, Adjunct Senior Fellow]
Hugh Stretton Oration 2024

Danielle Wood, Chair of the Productivity Commission explores the topic of Inequality in Australia and discusses "what role does government policy play?". Danielle presented her insights into economic inequality, how it has changed over time and explored the factors that contribute to how different groups are faring and whether governments can and should do more. This was followed by an in-depth conversation with Professor Emma Baker: Professor of Housing and Research, University of Adelaide and Professor Fran Baum: Director Stretton Health Equity, University of Adelaide.
Scientific Data Paper Success
Less than a week after our An Australian rental housing conditions research infrastructure paper was published in Nature Scientific Data, it has already been accessed 366 times. The paper also has a current Altmetrics score of 373, placing it in the top 5% of research outputs on the site. Our article has been picked up by several (46) news outlets, including SBS News, 7 News, and the West Australian. If you've missed the paper, or want to reread it, you can access it here.
As the Aussie home ownership dream fades – it’s time to lift our game for renters
Funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), a research team led by Professor Baker has delivered Australia’s first and largest Rental Housing Conditions Dataset. The research, An Australian rental housing conditions research infrastructure , published today in Nature Scientific Data, has been conducted in partnership with colleagues from UniSA, the University of Melbourne, Curtin University, UTS, Swinburne University of Technology, and Torrens University Australia.
[Read more about As the Aussie home ownership dream fades – it’s time to lift our game for renters ]
New Member Welcome: Cynthia Isley
Dr Cynthia Isley joins us as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2022 on the NHMRC-funded project Evidence for action on cold, damp and mould in Australian homes.
ARC LIEF Success for ACHR Researchers
Starting 2022 with some brilliant news, our researchers (led by Professor Emma Baker) have been awarded an ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) grant for their project "The Australian Rental Monitor: A Data Infrastructure". Funded until December 2024, the project will provide researchers and policy stakeholders with the essential data infrastructure on Australia’s rental housing conditions that they urgently require - a publicly accessible multi year data resource to monitor housing quality, conditions, and population in the Australian rental sector.
New Member Welcome: Dr. Amy Clair
The Centre is pleased to welcome Dr. Amy Clair, who joins us as a Postdoctoral Fellow from the University of Essex. Amy will be working on the NHMRC Healthy Housing Capturing Complexity scheme during her time with us. Amy has a PhD in Social Policy, and works on housing, health, and child well-being. Amy is an amazing addition to our team here at the ACHR, and we're excited to have her with us (albeit virtually for now).
ACHR in the Media: Why renting is a health risk
Professor Rebecca Bentley spoke on ABC Radio program "The Signal" on 12 October about why renting is a health risk. Professor Bentley was joined by Dr. Kim Loo, General Practitioner, and Alice, a tenant from Sydney.
[Read more about ACHR in the Media: Why renting is a health risk]
CHP Seminar - Prof Rebecca Bentley & Prof Emma Baker

Join us on Zoom at 10.30am (ACDT) on Monday 18 October to hear ACHR members Professor Rebecca Bentley and Professor Emma Baker talk about the ways the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence for Healthy Housing is undertaking research to drive the national agenda around healthy housing.
[Read more about CHP Seminar - Prof Rebecca Bentley & Prof Emma Baker]
ACHR in the Media: Alan Kohler: Housing needs a major reset, free from politics
Professor Baker et al.'s recent submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Housing Affordability and Supply in Australia has been highlighted in Alan Kohler's recent article about Australian housing affordability.
[Read more about ACHR in the Media: Alan Kohler: Housing needs a major reset, free from politics]