News: consumption
Seminar - August 2019
How Flexible are Flexitarians? Consumer Segmentation Based on Meat Consumption Frequency and Willingness to Make Further Changes to Protein Consumption
Seminar - December 2017
Understanding the Role of Self-Deception Enhancement Bias in South Australian Consumers’ Stated Purchase of Organic Foods
Seminar - September 2017
Where are the Women? Intersectionality as a Tool to make Peace with my Inner Feminist when Talking about Meat, Cultural Difference and Animals/Australian Meat Consumers and their Concerns about Sheep and Beef Cattle Transportation and Slaughter
Rachel Ankeny talks free range eggs on Knowing Animals podcast
Prof. Rachel Ankeny recently joined the Knowing Animals podcast to discuss buying free range eggs.
[Read more about Rachel Ankeny talks free range eggs on Knowing Animals podcast]
Seminar - May 2017
Mindless Meat Eating: The Role of Cognitive Dissonance and Negative Emotions in the Consumption of Animals
Food Values Research Group in Hobart
The increasing prominence of food politics and visibility of formerly ‘marginal’ food practices provided a focal point for the diversity of issues, from ethical consumption and alternative food networks to food culture in the digital age, addressed by speakers at the ‘Food Politics: From the Margins to the Mainstream’ conference in Hobart on 30 June – 1 July 2016.
The Conversation article
Smoothies as Talismans: The Allure of Superfoods and the Dangers of Nutritional Primitivism
The Conversation article
Tastes like Moral Superiority: What Makes Food 'Good'?