News: consumption

The Conversation article


'Mummy, Where Does Steak Come From?' How Australian Families Talk About Meat

[Read more about The Conversation article]

UVM Food Systems Summit Keynote Q&A with Rachel Ankeny

Professor Rachel Ankeny, convener of the Food Values Research Group, will be a keynote speaker at the 2016 University of Vermont Food Systems Summit, June 14-15. The summit will explore the central question "What makes food good?"

[Read more about UVM Food Systems Summit Keynote Q&A with Rachel Ankeny]

Seminar - March 2016

Why 'Big Sugar' Survives: The Strange Case of Indonesia Since the 1930s

[Read more about Seminar - March 2016]

Seminar - February 2016

Nutritional Primitivism and Superfoods: Between Commodification and Critique/Media, Nostalgia and the New Food Industries

[Read more about Seminar - February 2016]

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