News: seminar series
FVRG recent events and updates
The Food Values Research Group has been fortunate this year to have been joined by some excellent speakers on a range of interesting and varied topics.
Seminar - March 2018
Australian Meat Consumers' Understandings of Farm Animal Welfare
Seminar - March 2018
Reinventing the Wheel: Starter Cultures and the Making of Modern Cheese
Seminar - February 2018
Vegan Food and Eating Vegan in Adelaide
Seminar - December 2017
Understanding the Role of Self-Deception Enhancement Bias in South Australian Consumers’ Stated Purchase of Organic Foods
Seminar - November 2017
A Comparative Case Study of Ecovillages from the Permaculture Perspective
Seminar - September 2017
Where are the Women? Intersectionality as a Tool to make Peace with my Inner Feminist when Talking about Meat, Cultural Difference and Animals/Australian Meat Consumers and their Concerns about Sheep and Beef Cattle Transportation and Slaughter
Seminar - August 2017
Exploring Agrobiodiversity to Generate Resilience
Seminar - July 2017
Reading (Not-)Eating in the Works of Emily and Charlotte Brontë