News: social licence
Seminar - December 2019
Looking at the Social Licence Concept Through an Economic Lens
ACOLA report on Australia's Agricultural Future
Food Values Research Group convener Professor Rachel Ankeny recently contributed to the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) report Australia's Agricultural Future.
[Read more about ACOLA report on Australia's Agricultural Future]
Presentation by Dr Heather Bray
Public Perceptions of Agriculture: What Influences Consumer Choice?
Need 'social' in the Food Science and Research Priority
Recently Prof Rachel Ankeny contributed to a commentary on the Science and Research Priorities announced by the Federal Government.
[Read more about Need 'social' in the Food Science and Research Priority]
Sharing the Table: A Workshop Exploring Agriculture’s Social Licence to Operate
Agriculture’s ‘social licence to operate’ is based on the idea that farmers can run their businesses in a fairly free manner without extensive regulation or government controls, because their operations are based on values shared with the broader public.
[Read more about Sharing the Table: A Workshop Exploring Agriculture’s Social Licence to Operate]