Economic Teachers' Society of South Australia 2020 Conference
The School of Economics are proud sponsors the Economic Teachers' Society of South Australia (ETSSA), hosting their annual conference on Monday 16 November.
Applying social distancing and CoVID-safe measures, teachers from around the state met to connect on topic issues discussing the teaching of economics in South Australian schools in the first and only face-to-face event for the year!
Professor Gareth Myles, head of School, gave the opening address to begin the conference. The day was filled with robust discussions on the teachings of the Stage 2 SACE Economics in 2021.
Dr. Steven Hail gave a presentation on Modern Monetary Theory which was met with further questions and interest from our teachers. ETSSA also discussed the new changes to the implementation of the SACE economics curriculum and held their AGM. Congratulations to President of ETSSA, Mr. Chris Burrows and the team for putting together another brilliant event.