Here are some scholarship opportunities available to you this year

There is no better way to kick-start your studies this year than to be awarded a Faculty of Arts scholarship. Check out which scholarships suit you and ensure to apply. We look forward to receiving your application.

Adelaide Dickens Fellowship Scholarship in English

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)

Year of program: 2nd year

Value: $5,000

Duration: 1 year

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Esther Burns/DECD Country Teaching Scholarships

Eligible programs: Undertaking the final year of a Bachelor of Teaching or a Master of Teaching program

Year of program: Final year

Value: $1,600

Duration: 1 year

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EW Benham Honours Scholarship

Eligible programs: Undertaking Honours study in English Literature or English Political History

Year of program: Honours

Value: $5,000

Duration: 1 year



JE Jenkins Scholarship

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, Bachelor of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Sociology

Year of program: Commencing current student

Value: $1,250

Duration: 1 year

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Kamala Khurana Music Scholarship

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Music (Performance) program of study in the Classical Music

Year of program: Final year

Value: $7,000

Duration: 1 Year



Mason Family Scholarship in the Communication of Science

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching, Master of Education, (Students must have already completed a Bachelor's level program in Science, Agriculture or Natural Resource Sciences)

Year of program: Current student

Value: $9,000

Duration: 1 year

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Schulz Scholarship in German

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Languages with a Major in German

Year of program: Current student

Value: $1,500

Duration: Semester 2, 2021

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Stott Despoja Scholarship

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)

Year of program: Commencing students

Value: Fee Remission for the recipient’s contribution in a Commonwealth Supported Place

Duration: 1 year

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The Edward Rychter Scholarship in English

Eligible programs: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) with a Major in English

Year of program: Third or fourth year

Value: $3,000

Duration: 1 year

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Tagged in Student Support