Grand Final Moot takes place at Adelaide Law School

On Friday 28 May, the IHL Grand Final Moot took place at the Adelaide Law School, with Ms Olivia Bradley and Ms Jana Humzy appearing for the Prosecution and Ms Natasha Slater and Ms Kimberly Jones appearing for the Defence.
The matter was argued within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court before Professor Dale Stephens, Dr Stacey Henderson and Mr Mark Giddings who comprised the full bench of the court with Ms Marguerite Wills providing timekeeping.
The matter related to charges of ordering a direct attack on civilians by an artillery strike and medical experimentation on victims of the attack by an adverse party once they had been conveyed to a medical facility in the area of operations. In a packed, though COVID-19 compliant Moot courtroom, the audience witnessed first rate advocacy and an impressive range and depth of legal arguments. By a split decision, the Prosecution side won the Moot on the night. Following completion of the Moot, Ms Petra Ball from the Australian Red Cross provided an overview of the function, role and activities of the Red Cross in the context of IHL and presented certificates to the winning team and the runners up. A trophy was then presented to Ms Jana Humzy and Ms Olivia Bradely by the AULSS Competitions Director Ms Kellie Elmes (a former IHL Moot Grand Final winner herself). The winning team will now represent the University of Adelaide in the forthcoming National IHL Moot competition to be held later in the year.