News: Research
New partnership to build on relationship

A partnership between the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics (ABLE), the Far West Aboriginal Community Leaders Group (FWACLG) and Far West Coast Community Partnership (FWCP) was formally established on the 6 of March 2023.
New research in partnership with the Victorian Electoral Commission

In one of the most ambitious studies of its type ever conducted, university researchers have partnered with the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) to better understand voting attitudes and behaviours across the Victorian electorate.
[Read more about New research in partnership with the Victorian Electoral Commission]
Federal Government misses chance to boost skilled labour

The amount that pensioners may earn before being hit by tax should be increased in order to boost the economy and help them to keep using their expertise, according to a report published by the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Federal Government misses chance to boost skilled labour]
Cartoon character inspires musicians to bounce back

A character from the Asterix cartoon series could be an inspiration to musicians who are faced with setbacks.
[Read more about Cartoon character inspires musicians to bounce back]
Call for expressions of interest: NHMRC Investigator Grant applications
A University-wide internal EOI process is underway for NHMRC Investigator Grants opening in 2023. Research Services invite you to complete an EOI if you are thinking about applying for this scheme. The information collected will be used by Research Services Hub and Spoke teams to plan and resource support and to contact applicants and communicate support opportunities. The EOI can be completed by both internal and external applicants and will remain open until 5 pm, Wednesday 31 August 2022.
[Read more about Call for expressions of interest: NHMRC Investigator Grant applications]
New research: Sustainable indigenous housing in regional and remote Australia

A new report released 4 November, undertaken by University of Adelaide researcher Dr Megan Mokos and others from the University of Sydney and University of Tasmania examines the sustainability of Indigenous housing in regional and remote Australia.
[Read more about New research: Sustainable indigenous housing in regional and remote Australia]
Update from Deputy Dean (Research) Carolin Plewa
It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of the year already; a busy time for most and a particularly busy time in the research grants calendar with a number of application deadlines on the horizon.
[Read more about Update from Deputy Dean (Research) Carolin Plewa]
Slow vaccine roll-out could deepen economic scars
While South Australia’s economy is recovering strongly, the slow vaccine roll-out is a significant threat to the nation’s ongoing ability to weather the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some sectors of the economy will be scarred by the effects of prolonged border closures.
[Read more about Slow vaccine roll-out could deepen economic scars]
2019 University of Adelaide Learning and Teaching Excellence Award winners
Congratulations to the below Learning and Teaching Awards recipients who were all were honoured at an award ceremony last Thursday.
[Read more about 2019 University of Adelaide Learning and Teaching Excellence Award winners]