Charles Rischbieth Jury Poetry Prize Application Form

This prize has been established by a donation to the University of Adelaide by Dr Barbara Wall, who was a student and friend of Charles Rischbieth Jury (1893-1958), as well as being his Literary Executor. Charles Rischbeith Jury was a poet, dramatist, scholar, soldier and Jury Professor of English at the University of Adelaide.

The Prize will be awarded to the applicant who submits the best poem as judged by the Selection Committee.

The current rules

Applications are open until Friday 23 August 2024.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc.


I declare that the information I have supplied on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am awarded the prize and the University of Adelaide at any time thereafter forms the reasonable view that my application included false or misleading information or documentation, I authorise the University of Adelaide to obtain such additional information deemed necessary to assess my application for this prize
I understand that the University of Adelaide will not use or disclose any information supplied on the application form or obtained for the selection process without my written consent, other than for the selection process of this prize (which may include disclosure to third parties such as donors). All such information will be managed in accordance with the University of Adelaide Privacy Policy and Management plan available at