South Australian perspectives on the potential use of mouse gene drives for pest management and conservation
Food Values Research Group student Ms Rebecca Paxton presented work-in-progress from her PhD dissertation (supervised by Prof Rachel Ankeny) in an invited talk to the Commonwealth Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR).
The talk was also attended by representatives from a variety of other groups including CSIRO, government departments such as DAFF and DCCEEW, and regulators including from Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). In a talk entitled “South Australian perspectives on the potential use of mouse gene drives for pest management and conservation” presented to over 50 people in a hybrid format on 2 November, Rebecca gave an overview of her qualitative social research to explore public and expert group understandings of potential uses of mouse gene drives, which is part of a larger project funded by the State of South Australia under Prof Paul Thomas (HMS & SAHMRI). A vigorous discussion occurred in the Q&A session that followed, included concerns about raising public expectations and potential implications for locales other than Australia.