News: food
The Conversation article
Smoothies as Talismans: The Allure of Superfoods and the Dangers of Nutritional Primitivism
Foodies and ethics - Prof Rachel Ankeny featured on "The Philosopher's Zone"
Prof Rachel Ankeny from the Food Values Research Group and Department of History at the University of Adelaide recently appeared on Radio National's "The Philosopher's Zone" discussing food ethics.
[Read more about Foodies and ethics - Prof Rachel Ankeny featured on "The Philosopher's Zone"]
Engaging the Public in Food Policy Deliberation
Food is of central importance in human lives, and has meanings beyond basic nutrition such as pleasure and community identity.
[Read more about Engaging the Public in Food Policy Deliberation]
UVM Food Systems Summit Keynote Q&A with Rachel Ankeny
Professor Rachel Ankeny, convener of the Food Values Research Group, will be a keynote speaker at the 2016 University of Vermont Food Systems Summit, June 14-15. The summit will explore the central question "What makes food good?"
[Read more about UVM Food Systems Summit Keynote Q&A with Rachel Ankeny]
Seminar - April 2016
Differing Scales of Fat: Troubling What We Think We Know About Obesity
Seminar - February 2016
Nutritional Primitivism and Superfoods: Between Commodification and Critique/Media, Nostalgia and the New Food Industries