Our People

Meet the team behind the InclusiveEd Research Hub (IERH).

We are dedicated to addressing the systemic barriers that create inequalities in educational outcomes to promote inclusive practices across the education sector.

The team

Professor Chris Boyle 

Professor Edward Palmer

Professor Christopher Boyle, PhD is a Professor of Inclusion and Educational Psychology and the Associate Head (Research) in the School Education at the University of Adelaide.

He is an elected member of the University’s Academic Board, a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

Researcher profile

Associate Professor Jo Anderson 

Associate Professor Jo Anderson

Joanna Anderson (PhD) is an Associate Professor in inclusive education at the University of Adelaide, Australia. She has a growing research profile and her areas of interest include inclusive education in Pacific contexts, school leadership and inclusive education, and inclusive education in new build schools, and the ethical and moral considerations of inclusive education. Joanna has worked in the Pacific alongside education departments and teachers to develop inclusive education policies and practices, and has published in this area. She is part of a committed team of academics working to support nations to develop and implement culturally responsive inclusive education policy and practice. Previously, Joanna worked for more than twenty years as a teacher and school leader across primary and secondary settings in both Australia and New Zealand.

Researcher profile

Dr Tom Porta

Dr Tom Porta

Dr Tom Porta PhD is a Lecturer in the School Education at the University of Adelaide an Early Career Researcher in Inclusive Education and differentiated instruction. Tom’s research focuses mainly on differentiated instruction in senior-secondary schooling and teacher attitudes and self-efficacy towards DI implementation.

Tom has taught in secondary settings for over ten years and three years in tertiary settings - working for various universities across Australia. He is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Research in Special Education (JORSEN).

Researcher profile