Teaching Capabilities Statement
Entry requirements
Entry to all Teacher Education programs across Australia include an academic assessment (ie ATAR, STAT, GPA) and a non-academic assessment. This is a National requirement, endorsed by the Federal Government and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) program standards. The dual requirements are to ensure that quality people are attracted to the teaching profession with both academic and non-academic attributes.
In South Australia, all applicants to all teacher education programs require you to complete a Teaching Capabilities Statement as the non-academic entry requirement. This Statement has a set of three questions that encourage you to think carefully about your decision to become a teacher, what motivates you in this decision, and to share your understanding about the role.
At the University of Adelaide, this Statement will be completed as part of the application process through SATAC. You will be prompted to complete the statement as part of the application process (see the screen shot below). This requirement refers to all applicants to all initial teacher education programs including the Bachelor of Teaching double degrees and the Master of Teaching. It does not apply to the Master of Education because this is a postgraduate qualification for already accredited teachers or educators.
The Teaching Capabilities Statement complies with the national AITSL initial teacher education program standard of academic and non-academic entry requirements.
What is the Teaching Capability Statement?
Applicants are required to submit a 400-600 word Teaching Capabilities Statement (TCS) which speaks to motivation to become a teacher. The statement must address three themes:
- understanding of the role of a teacher
- the personal and academic qualities possessed that will enable you to become an effective teacher
- your attitude to learning.
Your response to the Teaching Capabilities Statement should include reference to any relevant community service, volunteer or professional experiences you have had that relate to teaching. You can write your response in any format but we suggest using first person and a narrative style.
The Teaching Capabilities Statement is designed to encourage you to think about your choice to study to become a teacher and your skills, personal qualities and relevant school or life experiences that will contribute to your development as a teacher.
The statement must be in your own words and written by you without the use of artificial intelligence. Only one statement is permitted, and changes or edits cannot be made after submission. The submission is final, and the University will not provide feedback or a reassessment of a statement. The submitted statement may be scrutinised by artificial intelligence (AI) detection software and if the use of AI is detected, the University may not progress with the application.
SATAC applicants: You must submit your Teaching Capabilities Statement as part of your SATAC application. Your Teaching Capabilities Statement is uploaded with your application. You will be prompted when and how to do this during the process.
Non-SATAC applicants: if you are a current University of Adelaide student and are transferring into a Teaching program, The Faculty of Arts will contact you about how to do this after you submit your application.
Below is the screenshot that will appear when you are prompted to complete the 400-600 word statement on SATAC.
Once you submit your statement you cannot make any changes or edits. Your submission will be final.