Taking your career to the next level

Workshop class

Masterclass Schedule 2018: Taking your career to the next level.

Masterclass attendees receive a certificate of participation.

Evidenced based learning and research design.

In this session we will provide an introduction to all elements of designing a research project from developing a researchable question to ethical issues. It supports staff in becoming critical consumers of research and provides strategies for searching for and critiquing literature. It also provides guidance on developing a research proposal that includes appropriate methods and budgeting.


Associate Professor Edward Palmer: School of Education.

Edward Palmer received his PhD from the University of Adelaide. He has 20 years experience in developing, implementing and analysing the impact of educational initiatives on students. He seeks to understand new and innovative methods to improve the student learning experience. Edward is the convener of the Higher Educational Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA), and the recipient of local and national teaching prizes. His most recent publication was Formative self-and peer assessment for improved student learning: the crucial factors of design, teacher participation and feedback.

Dr Julie Matthews: School of Education.

Julie Matthews is a sociologist of education with extensive experience teaching research methods and expertise in cultural diversity issues. She has undertaken research on a wide range of educational topics and in numerous educational settings.

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