FVRG latest news and events
The Food Values Research Group has been busy the last few months!
There is no seminar next month for November, but we will be back in December with a presentation from Nikki Dumbrell from the Centre for Global Food and Resources at the University of Adelaide. A continuously updated list of upcoming seminars can be found here - pop the dates in your diary and stay tuned for early 2020!
If you missed any of the presentations over the previous few months, have a look through some of the photos to catch yourself up. In August we heard from Dr Lenka Malek from the Centre for Global Food and Resources at the University of Adelaide. Dr Malek presented some wonderful new insights into flexitarians, a growing and largely unexplored population subgroup in developed countries such as Australia.
September saw the FVRG combining with the History Department seminar series to present Dr Julie McIntyre from the Department of History at the University of Newcastle. Dr McIntyre spoke on cultural histories of global alcohol production since the 1950s, giving us an overview of the main themes in the world production of beer, wine, cider and spirits during this period.
And finally, October's seminar saw Dr Graham Ellender, from the School of Dentistry at the University of Adelaide talking about flavour in life. He ran us through an overview of some of the extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of flavour perception across the lifespan, and ways that we might intervene to prevent malnutrition and dysnutrition in ageing and clinical populations by modulating some of the more 'emotional' and contextual determinants of flavour. He also introduced us to his current project with John Coveney looking at such factors in cancer patients.