Lunchtime Concert - A Far Different World

Robert Macfarlane  voice
Stephen Whittington  piano

Works by Schubert, Schumann, Richard Strauss, Hugo Wolf, Viktor Ullman and Stephen Whittington

The exquisite verses of the 14th century Persian poet Hafez, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan, in which the great German poet takes on the persona of Hafez, and physicist Werner Heisenberg’s matrix theory of quantum mechanics are brought together in a thought-provoking program that includes the premiere of a new work by Stephen Whittington, A Far Different World, and beautiful settings of Hafez and Goethe by Schubert, Schumann, Hugo Wolf, Richard Strauss and Viktor Ullman.

Tagged in Lunchtime series, Elder Conservatorium of Music, Concert Series