Music Education
Shape the future, make a difference to the lives of others and share your skills and passion for music.

Join us
Music teachers have an essential role in the music ecosystem, and this is an exciting time to be joining this dynamic and evolving field.
Our program offers music-specific education courses and a personally tailored program that suits your own areas of interest and career aspirations. You will receive intensive training in your performance area and will graduate as a confident conductor and arranger.
You’ll learn about the key music education methodologies and how to design impactful, engaging learning activities that will inspire your students. You will learn about cutting edge research in music education and how it benefits child development and wellbeing.
Note: further study is required to be eligible for South Australian teacher registration.
What you'll study
Career opportunities
You will graduate as a career-ready music teacher, able to apply your skills across studio teaching, classroom teaching, ensemble conducting and creative music workshops.
You could:
- be Head of Music in a school
- run your own teaching studio business
- break new ground in research
- become a music journalist or critic
- work in music therapy
- become a musician
Bachelor of Music (Music Education and Pedagogy)
"I have found studying a degree in a field that I have previously worked in gives me enthusiasm and ambition to want to excel and absorb all that is being taught." - Billy St John
Learn from the best
Learn from international performers and teachers.
Emily Dollman
Emily Dollman is the Head of Music Education and Pedagogy at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, University of Adelaide, a TEQSA Expert Adviser in Music, a Council Member for ASME SA, a Board Member for AMEB SA and a member of the Music Education Roundtable.
Emily’s background combines experience as a professional violinist working at the international level with a long standing commitment to music education and instrumental pedagogy. Emily has worked with leading orchestras and chamber ensembles in Australia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, including Adelaide Baroque, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, The Hanover Band, and the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra.
Emily has focused her research on models of partnership between professional music organisations and music education providers.
Emily’s book ‘Opening Doors: Orchestras, Opera Companies and Community Engagement’ is being published by Routledge in 2023.
Oliver Fartach-Naini
Oliver Fartach-Naini has toured across Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA. His most recent accolade was published in US magazine CLASSICAL GUITAR, which included his solo album SUITE LATINA in its list of ‘Top Ten Classical Guitar Albums of 2019’. Oliver Fartach-Naini has recorded 11 CDs for Deutsche Grammophon, Kreuzberg Records, Acoustic Music Records, Credia Classics and Ethnoclassics.
Oliver is the repertoire consultant for the AMEB classical guitar syllabus and published 7 graded repertoire books with instructional commentary and a 1000 work repertoire list.
Oliver holds degrees from the University of the Arts Berlin, the Academy of Music and Theatre ‘Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’ in Leipzig and a PhD from the University of Adelaide.
His teaching includes classical guitar, postgraduate supervision, chamber music and music education.
Find out more by visiting Oliver Fartach-Naini's website.
How to apply
Audition registrations are now open for Semester 2, 2024 entry.
Register for your audition/interview
Submit your audition/interview application
Pay audition/interview fee
When registering, you must pay a non-refundable audition/interview registration fee via the online shop to be guaranteed an audition (search 'audition').
Bachelor of Music applicants
There is an audition registration fee of $26 for the first audition and $21 per subsequent audition.
Apply to SATAC or International Admissions
Domestic students
You will need to lodge an application through the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC).
International students
You will need to lodge an application through our International Admissions Service. You do not need to register for an audition.
Current UofA students
You will need to lodge an internal transfer application.
Prepare for your audition/interview
Please ensure you have followed the audition requirements for your specialisation:
Audition requirements by program
The Conservatorium does not provide accompanists except for the Bachelor of Music Theatre auditions. All other auditions that require an accompanist should contact the Accompanists' Guild of SA.
Applicants should contact accompanists as early as possible as auditions cannot be rescheduled to accommodate accompanist availability.
On the day of your audition, please ensure you arrive 15 minutes prior to your audition or interview. You will receive notification of your audition outcome following your audition.
We look forward to meeting you!