Elder Conservatorium Song Writer Series
- Date: Thu, 31 Oct, 6:00 pm - Wed, 13 Nov 2024, 9:00 pm
- Location: UniBar / Scott Theatre | The University of Adelaide
- Cost: Free Entry
Following the success of our 'Art of the Possible' Composer Concerts last week in Elder Hall (where we premiered 20 new art music works by our undergraduate composers), the students of our Bachelor of Music (Creative Practice) degree will present their work across a series of concerts throughout November.
Students from the Popular Music stream will present the Song Writer Series at UniBar and Scott Theatre, featuring their original songs in a variety of contemporary genres. First and second-year students will perform at UniBar on Thursday 31 October (tomorrow) and Thursday 7 November starting at 6.00pm, while third-year and honours students will perform at Scott Theatre on Tuesday 5 November, Tuesday 12 November and Wednesday 13 November, starting at 7.00pm. Free admission.