Lunchtime Concert - Airs and Graces
- Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2025, 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
- Location: Elder Hall
- Cost: $20 general admission
- More information: Bookings
- Contact: Martin Victory Concert Manager
- Email:
The Bowerbird Collective
Simone Slattery baroque violin
Brendan O’Donnell baroque recorders
Anthony Albrecht baroque cello
Hannah Lane baroque harp
Nicholas Pollock theorbo / baroque guitar
Nicola Matteis selected compositions
A fun and fiery display of baroque virtuosity by five of Australia’s leading period performers. Nicola Matteis was a Baroque composer and virtuoso violinist, originally from Naples, who rose to prominence in the late 17th century. Renowned for introducing the expressive and technically demanding Italian violin style to English audiences, his contributions significantly shaped the development of violin music in England.