Lunchtime Concert - The Ringtone Cycle
- Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2025, 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
- Location: Elder Hall
- Cost: $20 general admission
- More information: Bookings
- Contact: Martin Victory Concert Manager
- Email:
Seraphim Trio
with Lorina Gore soprano
Koehne The Ringtone Cycle
This 2010 commission from the Seraphim Trio has a libretto from the Australian author Peter Goldsworthy. Subtitled a ‘cabaret quintet for soprano, violin, cello, piano and iPhone’, it is a mini-operetta that tells of a love affair starring a modern-day Brünnhilde and her phone. Koehne’s continuous flow of music recalls Wagner’s revolutionary ‘speech-song’, and members of the audience might need to brush up on tech jargon to fully appreciate the text! The score is also dotted with references to famous ring tones.