Login Current: Home Jazz Professional Development Leave Form This form is for students of the Elder Conservatorium who are requesting to take professional development leave. All professional leave requests need approval by the Head of Jazz. In this course, penalties apply for any absences which are not formally approved, as outlined in the Conservatorium’s Student Participation and Attendance Leave Guidelines All students enrolled in performance-based courses taught by the Elder Conservatorium of Music are expected to actively and positively participate in 100% of required rehearsals, workshops, classes, tutorials and performances. In courses where Participation & Attendance penalties apply (as defined in the Course Outline), any student who misses more than 40% of required classes will be ineligible for assessment in that course, irrespective of the amount of leave that has been formally approved.The Conservatorium recognises that extenuating circumstances may occasionally affect a student’s ability to participate in a rehearsal, workshop, class, tutorial or performance. In such cases leave may, upon application, be approved by the relevant staff member (this could be the Head of Studies, teacher, conductor, lecturer or course coordinator as appropriate). Professional Development (PD) Leave may be granted in cases where the student has made a case to the relevant Head of Studies for an activity which they believe will be of considerable professional and educational benefit. This activity should: be directly related to Coursework within your Conservatorium program, or involve Coursework or study at a major tertiary national or international music institution or involve Performance, Workshops or other relationships and activities with a high profile, national or international artist(s)When determining PD leave, the duration of the project also affects approval, particularly for absences greater than one week.PD leave will not be granted if the proposed activity conflicts with any commitments a student has to a Conservatorium performance where their attendance at rehearsals and the performance itself are a required part of their studies.PD Leave is only granted in advance of the activity (normally at least 7 days prior). It will NOT be granted retrospectively.Final arrangements for any professional development commitments must wait until formal approval has been granted by the Head of Studies and then all signatures of relevant staff members are obtained. Approval is not necessarily guaranteed.Verification will be required as part of the approval process. Personal details Full name ID number Email address Phone number (enter with no spaces) Details of leave Start date End date Location Purpose of leave How will this activity benefit your studies at the University? Attach file Attach evidence of the activity and proof of your connection to it, eg: performance contract, advertising that features your name, etc. One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf. Attach file Attach further evidence if needed - proof must include your name linked to the activity. One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.