Stretton Institute GM webinar


Beyond Politics: Past, Current and Potential Futures for GM Regulation and Oversight in Australia.

On 21 July 2020, the Stretton Institute hosted a discussion on policy and regulation associated with genetically modified food and crops. The webinar was facilitated by Prof Wendy Umberger (Centre for Global Food and Resources) and featured a number of speakers including: Emeritus Prof Kym Anderson (School of Economics), Prof Rachel Ankeny (School of Humanities), Prof Dianne Nicol (Centre for Law and Genetics - UTAS), Dr Kylie Tattersall (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator), Dr Peter Thygensen (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator) and Dr Lisa Kelly (Food Standards Australia New Zealand).

See here for a recording of the webinar.

Tagged in event, GM food, GM crops