News: event

How To Foster Food Security in Uncertain Times


Professor Rachel Ankeny will be facilitating the Thinkers in Residence panel on food security in South Australia.

[Read more about How To Foster Food Security in Uncertain Times]

Seminar - March 2020


Male Farmer Distress and Suicides: The Subject Enmeshed in Political and Moral Economies, Ordinary Ethics and More-than-Human Encounters

[Read more about Seminar - March 2020]

Seminar - February 2020


Food as Gift and Food as Weapon: Kinship and Food Exchange among the Newars of Bhaktapur

[Read more about Seminar - February 2020]

Seminar - January 2020

Healthy in Body and Soul: Nineteenth-Century Medicine and Theology

[Read more about Seminar - January 2020]

Seminar - December 2019


Looking at the Social Licence Concept Through an Economic Lens

[Read more about Seminar - December 2019]

FVRG latest news and events


The Food Values Research Group has been busy the last few months!

[Read more about FVRG latest news and events]

Seminar - September 2019


Beer, Wine, Cider, Spirits and Tradition Versus Modernity: Towards a Cultural History of Global Alcohol Production Since the 1950s

[Read more about Seminar - September 2019]

Seminar - August 2019


How Flexible are Flexitarians? Consumer Segmentation Based on Meat Consumption Frequency and Willingness to Make Further Changes to Protein Consumption

[Read more about Seminar - August 2019]

Seminar - June 2019


Austrian Organic Farmers as Health Promoters

[Read more about Seminar - June 2019]

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