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Emerging Artist of the Year Award

We are proud that pianist Shawn Hui, who is currently completing his Bachelor of Music (Honours) degree at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, was last week awarded the Emerging Artist of the Year Award at the 2022 Adelaide Critics Circle Awards. Shawn moved to Adelaide from New South Wales in 2019 to study at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, where he has been the recipient of awards including the Muriel Perry Scholarship, and the Patrick Cecil Greenland Scholarship. In 2022, he has performed widely as a Recitals Australia Fellowship Artist. Congratulations Shawn!
Congratulations to Con alumnus Pei-Jee Ng
Congratulations to Elder Conservatorium of Music alumnus Pei-Jee Ng who has just won the highly prestigious position of Principal Cello in the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO).
PianoLab a great success!

From November 17-20, staff and students of the Elder Conservatorium of Music joined visitors from around Australia for PianoLab, a unique celebration of the piano in the immersive twenty-first technology of the Lab at Light Square.