Musicology Society of Australia 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition 2024

Calling all music Postgrads and Honours Students!

We are thrilled to announce the MSA 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition 2024. The competition will be held in conjunction with the MSA's 47th National Conference, to be held online this year from Thursday 28–Saturday 30 November. All postgraduate and Honours students working on any area of music research are welcome to submit 3MT entries! There will be prizes available, sponsored by the MSA.

Although the traditional 3MT competition is exclusive to postgraduates, the MSA is pleased to introduce a special Honours category designed to encourage and spotlight the next generation of budding musicologists. Additionally, although no audiovisual material is permitted in the presentation, a 30-second example can be played before the 3-minute presentation commences. This is not to be referred to during the presentation and is not essential as it will not be considered in the judging; however, as we are in the world of musicology, it provides a unique music-related edge to our event.

The competition will follow the national 3MT thesis guidelines established by the University of Queensland. For full guidelines, please see the University of Queensland's website where you can find virtual submission guidelines, tips, and examples of other virtual 3MT presentations.

Key Dates

  • Registration Deadline: Saturday 31 August
    (Title and full name to be submitted via email to Rabiya Plush-Noad (
  • Submission Deadline: Friday 1 November
  • Winners Announced: During the Postgraduate Panel at the MSA National Conference, Thursday 28–Saturday 30 November, online


  • If applying as a postgraduate student you must be an MSA member (join here!).
  • If applying as an honours student do you not need to be a member of the MSA.
  • Registration at the MSA National Conference is encouraged for both Honours and Postgraduate students, but is not a strict requirement of submission to the MSA 3MT competition.



  • Information regarding formatting will be sent out to all participants once registrations have closed.

Registrations are now open. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to present your research, gain national recognition, and connect with fellow scholars.

Tagged in Musicology