Barry Green to Give 'The Inner Game of Music' Lecture-Demonstration on Friday 26 July
The Inner Game of Music lecture-demonstration is about overcoming obstacles to performance, practicing and teaching through the master techniques of Awareness, Commitment and Trust. This session includes Barry Green's humorous signature demonstration of his distracting inner voice plus live coaching demonstrations with individuals performing. This session presents the Inner Game concentration techniques with the audience as well as Inner Game DVD excerpts with ensembles. Green's workshops engage the audience in lively group exercises in addition to spontaneous coaching of individuals that instantly transform a performer's concentration.
Barry has asked everyone to bring an instrument or be prepared to sing. The music will be provided on the day, but is also available in advance via this link.
Friday 26 July 9.30am–1.00pm
Hartley Concert Room
9.30–11.30am: Inner Game of Music Workshop and Coaching Masterclass with student soloists
11.30am–12.00pm: Break
12.00–1.00pm: Short Performance and Workshop Session

Barry Green, a native Californian, served as Principal Bassist of the Cincinnati Symphony for 28 years. He was former Executive Director of the International Society of Bassists, former Professor of Bass at the University of California, Santa Cruz and University of Cincinatti (CCM), and currently teaches double bass at The Ohio State University.
Green has also written three bass books and released many solo recordings. As a bass soloist, Green has created three new multimedia productions called Anna's Way, from Inspiration to Artistry, Anna's Gift, the Way of Passion, and Anna's Promise. These unique hour-long productions are for solo bass and narration with background visuals and have been performed internationally in combo version as well as with full concert band and orchestra. In 2021 Barry created another 58-minute multi-media concert program called From Russia with Love, including history, hobbies, and trivia of many Russian composers. Barry also partnered with co-host Jason Heath in a series of eight 30-minute international episodes of Buckeye Bass Bashes for all styles of bass playing and artists.
Green is the author of three books dealing with the philosophy of music, the mind, body and spirit: The Inner Game of Music (Doubleday, 1986), The Mastery of Music, Ten Pathways to True Artistry (Broadway/Doubleday 2003) and Bringing Music to Life! (GIA, 2009). Green has collaborated with ten renowned music educators including Rebecca MacLeod and Brenda Brenna on a unique string exercises program sets to popular music grooves and videos called Stringersize and was published in December 2020. For more information on Green's personal appearances, publications and mini-workshops, please see his website, or email him at