Rob Nairn and Stephen King Record New ABC Classic Album with Ironwood in Sydney

LR: Rob Nairn, Dr Daniel Yeadon, Dr Stephen King, Rachel Beesley, and Professor Neal Peres Da Costa

From Thursday 28 January–Sunday 2 February, faculty members Rob Nairn and Stephen King took part in a recording of Schubert's famous Trout Quintet with the group Ironwood in Verbrugghen Hall  at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Performing with Steve and Rob were Professor Neal Peres Da Costa (Associate Dean, Research) and Dr Daniel Yeadon (Senior Lecturer) from the Sydney Conservatorium, and Rachael Beesley from the University of Melbourne (and regular leader of our annual Baroque Academy).

Performing on a copy of a Conrad Graf Viennese piano by McNulty Fortepianos and Sofronitsky Music Productions, string and wind instruments of the period, and vocal and expressive techniques from the time, Ironwood is embarking on an extensive recording of Schubert's chamber music works and songs, bringing a new interpretation of these works based on the evidence of performing practices specific to Schubert and his circle, as well as general practices of the 19th century.

Look out for the forthcoming album, recorded by producer and engineer Thomas Grubb, which will be available on ABC Classic later in the year.

Tagged in Elder Conservatorium of Music