Winter Warm Up (Adelaide Guitar Festival)

The Elder Conservatorium Guitar Ensemble will feature in the Adelaide Guitar Festival's Winter Warmup concert, held in Elder Hall on Friday 19 July at 7.00pm. Alongside performances by guitar virtuoso Giuseppe Zangari and Australian flute luminary Jane Rutter, the Elder Conservatorium Guitar Ensemble will be giving the world premiere of Movin' Right Along by Associate Professor Carl Crossin OAM.

Ensemble members are James Rawley, Caleb Lavery-Brook, Dylan Boller, Yueqi Queenie Li, Kurenai Claire Nishioka, Emanuel Auciello, Megan Robson as well as Artistic Director Dr Oliver Fartach-Naini.

Friday 19 July 7.00pm
Elder Hall


Winter Warm Up (Adelaide Guitar Festival)
Tagged in Adelaide Guitar Festival